Service & Maintenance

Service & Maintenance on Sports Lighting

  • Fast response times to faults on conventional and LED installations.
  • We would rather prevent malfunctions through maintenance and monitoring.
  • Assured of light output, lifespan and safety of lighting installations.
  • Optimizing energy savings through analysis, reporting and advice.
  • Support and upgrades on operating systems.
  • Make maximum use of technological innovation.
  • Service contracts tailored to the needs of your sports club.
  • Warranty from 10 to 15 years.

No Unexpected Maintenance Costs

The standard factory warranty on our LED products is 10 years. As an association, you can choose to extend this guarantee to even 15 years via smart service contracts

Service Subscription

The standard factory warranty on our LED products is 10 years. As an association, you can choose to extend this guarantee to even 15 years via smart service contracts.

Philips Value Added Partner

As a certified Value Added Partner of Philips Lighting, we are committed to utilizing the latest LED floodlight systems. This allows us to provide comprehensive LED lighting solutions for both recreational and professional sports lighting applications, ranging from simple to highly intricate projects.

Our company specializes in providing comprehensive lighting design and implementation services, including conducting light nuisance studies and measurements. We approach every project, regardless of its size, with the utmost level of quality and expertise. Rest assured, we stand behind the quality of our products and services. Our commitment to excellence doesn't end with delivery, as we go above and beyond to provide exceptional post-delivery support, such as prompt responses to any malfunction issues.

Spectrisleds maintains a strict standard of excellence in all of our products. Our company exclusively employs Philips AreenaVision LED sports field lighting, which guarantees that your sports club receives top-of-the-line lighting. Our LED sports field lighting surpasses the most rigorous performance standards, delivers exceptional light quality, and prioritizes the safety and visual comfort of those utilizing it.

We prioritize quality and safety in our selection of materials and partners, opting exclusively for premium brands. Our data connections are executed with high-quality industrial components to ensure reliability.

Reach out to us today and secure the brilliance of your lighting through our expert maintenance services